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The 1971 Honinbo Tournament (Championship Go, Vol. 1) (Championship go ; v. 1)

Título:      The 1971 Honinbo Tournament (Championship Go, Vol. 1) (Championship go ; v. 1)
Categorías:      Go
LibroID:      20
Autores:      Kaoru Iwamoto
ISBN-10(13):      0870401653
Editorial:      Ishi Press
Fecha de publicación:      1972
Number of pages:      206
Idioma:      Inglés
Precio:      126.18 USD
Valoración:      0 
Imagen:      no-img_eng.png           Button Buy now [Buy now]
Descripción:      Product Description
Ishida, Otake, Takemiya, Kato, Cho, and two other Kobayashi's has collectively won three-fourths of the major Japanese title matches. Together with Rin and Fujisawa Shuko, who also appear in this book, they have completely monopolized the three most important titles: the Honinbo, Meijin, and Kisei.Fourteen games are analyzed, including the six games of the title match and the seven games Ishida played in the honinboleague.


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