Título: | Inspiration of Pro |
Categorías: | Go |
LibroID: | 86 |
Autores: | Kim Sung-Rae |
ISBN-10(13): | 8990079764 |
Editorial: | Oromedia |
Fecha de publicación: | 2008 |
Number of pages: | 199 |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Precio: | 28.95 USD |
Valoración: | |
Imagen: | [Buy now] |
Descripción: |
Product Description Many players simply learn sequences from professional games off by heart without fully understanding the meaning of the moves. This is an inefficient way to study. But how can one teacher help lots of students at the same time? Kim Sungrae, a prolific writer of many books, wanted to publish a book to help students overcome the difficulty of understanding pro games without resorting to a private tutor. This is a collection of sequences from pro games that will help you to understand the thought process of professionals as they play. |
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