Título: | Cho Hun-Hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques, Vol. 1 |
Categorías: | Go |
LibroID: | 21 |
Autores: | Craig R. Hutchinson , Hun-Hyeon Cho , Yutopian Enterprises |
ISBN-10(13): | 188955443X |
Editorial: | Yutopian Enterprises |
Fecha de publicación: | 1998-05 |
Number of pages: | 0 |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Precio: | 77.77 USD |
Valoración: | |
Imagen: | [Buy now] |
Descripción: |
Product Description Cho Hun-hyeon Lectures on Go techniques provide an understanding of the basic fundamentals of Go. Basic shapes are analyzed covering Surrounding, Escaping, Connecting, Cutting, Attachments, Diagonals, Tigers (Hangs), Empty Triangles, and Hanes at the Head of Opponent's Stones.Forty five problems are provided (in Volume 1) giving basic techniques for Attachments, Extensions, Establishing A Base, Running Towards Center, Capping, Ataris, Cuts, Tigers (Hangs), and Weaknesses. |
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