Título: | Strategic Concepts of Go |
Categorías: | Go |
LibroID: | 80 |
Autores: | Nagahara Yoshiaki |
ISBN-10(13): | 4871870065 |
Editorial: | Ishi Press |
Fecha de publicación: | 1972-02-01 |
Number of pages: | 137 |
Idioma: | Inglés |
Precio: | 32.40 USD |
Valoración: | |
Imagen: | [Buy now] |
Descripción: |
Strategic Concepts of Go, by Nagahara Yoshiaki, published by Ishi Press in 1972 was a ground-breaking introduction to some higher-level thinking in go, and its terminology. The book begins with an exposition of eight named strategic concepts (miai, aji, kikashi, thickness, korigatachi, sabaki, furikawari, and yosu-miru). This exposition of eight chapters and sixty pages comprises a crash course in how stronger players think about the game. The exposition is followed by a stimulating set of 72 problems, presumably from author Nagahara Yoshiaki's own teaching; most of these are dan-level problems. |
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